Wednesday, 27 February 2019


CLASH's cover is very different compared to the typical music magazine cover (such as MOJO). It is different as the cover is very simple with little text, in a sans serif font which is more modern and up to date. This also cannotes seriousness with the viewer, adding to the already serious tone that CLASH has tried to create with the pictures of the musicians. With the limited text, it lets you focus directly on the musician on the cover. The musician on the cover is almost hidden by either, shadows, hair or purpose blurring. This leaves a sense of mystery with the viewer. 
The musicians are portrayed with a serious tone. None of them are making direct eye contact with the camera neither are they happy/smiling. This shows, the musicians are saying you don't understand the hardships they have been through to get here and this dark image displays that tone effectively. 
The overall layout of the magazine is a lot less cluttered and has very limited text. This in contrast with MOJO despite being cluttered and having much more text, it can deal with it by making sure the main musician is visible. CLASH however would struggle with a lot of text and clutter and wouldn't be able to organize it effectively, this is show by the number is tumbling down the page. 

Saturday, 9 February 2019

Analyse the representations found in the UK television ad break for The Lego Movie. [10]

The Lego Movie ad break was very successful and ended brining 5% incremental revenue. This shows how successful the ad was. The advert copied adverts such as '' and 'BT' and converted it to Lego. Even though the advert itself would not engage children the fact it was made of Lego would engage and the parents would most likely be engaged and amused as not only are they're watching a reformed advert that they have interest towards it will also remind them of a time when they use to play with Lego. Even though the children may not understand the importance of car insurance they will enjoy the animation. 
The ad break makes moments such as CPR in the BHF advert lighter hearted and more boring adverts such as more engaging by the use of brighter colours and Lego effects when the machine speeds off towards the end. 
Between the adverts it has little clips of the Lego Move film in-between similar to subliminal messages. Towards the end where it actually advertises the movie itself it shows many bright colours and explosives to engage the audience. They also use voices such as 'Chris Pratt' and 'Morgan Freeman' to appeal to the older audiences giving more of a reason to watch because of an actor they may enjoy to watch. 
In conclusion it was very effective and ended up being the 'highest grossing film of the year' in the UK. 

Sunday, 3 February 2019

Abakyse the use of media language to create meaning in the online Observer home page. Give tewo examples from the extract.

The colours used by The Guardian is dark blue which connotes seriousness. This is parrale to the news it reports. The colours used are very limited with orange and red being an accent colour. The Gurdian uses sans serif text which is modern opposed to serif such as the times which is more traditional. The sans serif shows it's up to date and modern. 
The layout is very linear and organized. This makes it easier for the view to cast its eyes upon making it easier to see the stories. They have positioned the story from most important to least important down the page. 

Friday, 1 February 2019

Refer to Extract 1 in the insert. Analyse the representation of Jamaican Reggae music and musicians such as Bob Marley in this MOJO front cover. (5 marks)

Bob Marley on the front of MOJO is against the ordinary MOJO front cover with the stereotype generally being white males. The colour used on 'Marley' has used colours generally associated with reggae. The language used is very gripping and emotive such as, 'Revolution!' This makes it seem bigger then it is and is referring to its prime time of 1976. The picture is of him making direct eye contact with the camera makes it more personal with him in the age of when he was 'big'.