Thursday, 5 October 2017


How is sound used to create meaning?

Well there are many examples of sound being used to create a sense of meaning, such as at the start where he is called into action the music acts with the scenes. The music being playing in the background is very upbeat and gets the rate of the show going however if it was classical music you would have very mixed feelings of what is happening. Music is very important when it comes to media as it makes up most of the feeling.

An example of this is also when they are both called to a house where they discover a poor guy in a real mess (tried to commit suicied) when jake says "OPEN THIS DOOR!" it is very forceful however when the other officer tries the music changes and he approaches with, "you ok? Why dont you drop the knife and open the door" a very soft voice combining with the soft music combined perfectly.

By Harrison Allman-Varty

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