Thursday, 29 November 2018


Refer to the extract below to answer Questions 8. The Observer / Guardian are same paper. (This online version has the paper’s name The Observer in small font top left.)

Question 8: Analyse the use of media language to create meaning in the online Observer home page. Give twoexamples.

The storys are organised in order of most important. For example the biggest story such as Brexit takes up the biggest portion of the online page this shows that this is the most important story on the page. The layout is very linear and colour coded very serious which cannotes seriousness withing the web page.
Priorities hard news. Interested in international
The Online Observer. Is positioned centre left this is its belief.
Focuses on international news
Diversity very inclusive
Not afraid to tackle difficult issues
Main story is generally politics in the example giving is Brexit a current pressing issue.

The online observer priorities harder news over what would be considered soft news such as talking about ‘Beautiful fish show’ this is posited further down the page showing that it is not that important and doesn't not deserve to the top spot.
The Observer and the online Observer are publications that sit towards the left of the political spectrum and as a result concern themselves with values and beliefs that are more socially liberal and not usually sensational in their content, unlike some tabloids. These values and ideals are shared by its sister paper The Guardian, which is also owned by The Guardian Media Group, and the choice of header for the website is identical in its colour and placement to The Guardian. This is done to remind viewers of their shared sense of values. The Observer website contains examples of common representations found in both the online and paper version. The website has an ‘international’ feel to it, with features discussing . These articles reflect the online Observer’s interest in internationalism and how it values other cultures and people. Another example of the values of the online Observer can be found in the features section - the article about the US's imagration problem regarding the mexican border. The Observer is known for discussing difficult issues such as this headon. 
They have chosen the topic of politics more specifically Brexit to position at the top of the page to remind the reader of this. The homepage has quite an ethnically diverse representation of people on it, including reference to an Saudi dissidents. This mix of different cultures and ethnicities reinforces The Observer’s focus and interest in representing diversity. Finally The Observer online contains a real balance of different features and it is clear that it values culture as equally importantly as it does politics and hard news.
 Through exploring the content of the online Observer I would agree that it reflects the news brand’s values and beliefs quite closely. There is clear evidence of the brand’s liberalism and social conscience balanced with its interest in culture and society. 

1 comment:

  1. Mark 12 out of 15
    You have a good grasp of the Observer's values and beliefs.
