Tuesday 20 February 2018

Q1 Cuffs

Analyse how sound is used in the extract to make meaning.

the crusing of the window when the JCB came in. This sound effect creates meaning and makes it more realistic, such as the tiny fragments of glass falling to the floor. The shatter of glass algon with rock rought music to represent the rock time ahead or the locals.

The police siren in the background indicates that there is a crime and it is there job to help. This sound represents fear, this is clear to the audiance as this sound is normally played in a time of danger and need.

The calming music in the coffe shop while they have their lunch represents a calm enviroment, then later as they get a call of distress the music chages to a fast paced song with multiple beats per minute.

1 comment:

  1. Mark 2 and a half out of 5
    1. Remember TEE. In your first example, you have not identified the T. what word is 'crusing'?
    2. What do you mean: "algon with rock rought music to represent the rock time ahead or the locals"?
    3. "coffee shop" is the police canteen.
